
Family Rules

As much as I'd like to claim this idea as my own, I found this cute idea over at http://lindseycheney.blogspot.com/2009/09/family-rules-canvas.html

And while I didn't want to do a giant one, I picked up this frame from a garage sale for a song...just $2bucks so I made a miniature version.

It was a fun project to do with Jimmy.
He helped me and we decided on which rules would be best suited for our family. He even put them in the order he wanted to. I can't wait to see how the new family rules will play out.

Always tell the truth
Ask first, No whining
Obey your parents
Bless your food, Be grateful
Keep your promises
Encourage your siblings
Never follow an apology with...but
Use your manners
Don't forget your homework
Do your best
Say I love you
Sing silly, dance crazy, hug often
Have fun
Practice forgiveness
Thank God for this family

I was thinking if I had more room I would have added:

No elbows on the table
Bodily functions should be done in private
Put the toilet seat down
No empty cartons in the refrigerator
Use a GLASS!
Pick up your socks
Try flushing
No tearing
No pulling the cat's tail
No chocolate for breakfast
Go to sleep!
Help your poor mom out
No talking back to Mom, that goes for Jimmy and Dad.

And I'm sure Jim would have liked me to add, NO Yelling Mom.
Yeah right. Like that's going to happen.

Happy Junking,


  1. Scratch the rule about chocolate!

  2. I just made one of these today and I'm posting it next week. Yours is gorgeous!! I absolutely LOVE the frame around it. It turned out perfect.

  3. Also, did you write that free hand??

  4. Nope. Not free hand, just a blurry picture! It got all fuzzy when I tried to enlarge it. A glue gun I can operate, a camera? Not so much:) Can't wait to see yours.
